Scripture has many examples of Leader-Follower tensions and the lessons we can draw from them. The Bible gives exhortations and instructions toward both leaders and followers. Everyone will be held accountable before God. His judgments will be on leaders who abuse and injure the flock as well as upon members who "take up the sword." Therefore, exhortation to fear God is given emphatically to both leaders and followers.     ----Billy Long


                      RECEIVING THE ONES GOD SENDS

I witnessed the ministry of Allen Arrowood and Leland Davis on many occasions. Both of these men moved in a very wonderful prophetic gift, and both of them usually gave supernatural words from the Lord to many individuals in the churches where they spoke. In keeping with their particular ministry, both of these men of God made it a point to tell their host pastors not to share personal information with them about the church or individuals in the church. Too much personal information tended to hinder their ability to objectively hear the voice of the Holy Spirit when prophetic words were being given.

On one particular occasion Allen Arrowood was guest speaker for a congregation in which a group of people had turned sour toward the pastor and had been pressuring him to resign and leave. Leading up to this meeting the pastor told Allen nothing of the current distress and did not update him on the condition of the congregation. Allen, therefore, entered the meeting without any prejudice or priming and simply flowed with the leading of the Holy Spirit as he spoke to the church that evening. He gave words to only a few individuals, but gave a powerful message to the entire congregation. He did not realize at the time that his whole sermon was a prophetic word to the church.
Allen’s scripture text for that evening was taken from the following verses:

“And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.”  Matthew 10: 14
“He who receives you, receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. …”  Matthew 10:40
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing! Behold! Your house is left to you desolate, and assuredly, I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is HE who comes in the name of the Lord!”  Luke 13: 34-35

The pastor, upon hearing Allen read these verses, knew immediately this was a word straight from God to his congregation. He was amazed how it so accurately described the current condition of the church. He also knew that the disgruntled people in the crowd would not hear it, but would think the pastor had primed Allen ahead of time by informing him of attitudes that had recently developed within the congregation. The prophet, however, had been told nothing. And without realizing it, he was simply giving a word from the Holy Spirit that was tailor-made for this particular church.
When the service was over, Allen went to the pastor and expressed his disappointment at not ministering to individuals as he was normally accustomed to do. The pastor however expressed his own amazement at the sermon and confirmed that the message, powerfully inspired by the Holy Spirit, was the very word that needed to be spoken.

I was in that meeting. I knew the people, and I heard the message. It was from the Lord for that church, and reminded me of the examples in the first three chapters of Revelation in which Jesus gives specific words to each of the seven churches of Asia Minor. To each one He said, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” But sadly, not all have ears to hear.

The main points of the word given that night were as follows:
"We must receive, welcome, and bless those who come in the name of the Lord, those whom God sends."
"If we receive the messenger, we receive the Lord. To reject the messenger is to reject the Lord."
"Stoning God’s messengers brings desolation. "Your house is left desolate until you can bless the one God sends."
"If you reject the messenger, you won’t see the Lord in your situation.”

When God sends His servants, He places upon them a reward to leave with you. It can be a blessing or it can be judgment. You have the power to shut up heaven against yourself or open heaven to yourself. You have the power to choose. It is up to you, based on how you receive the messenger. Don’t be quick to turn a deaf ear.

Some final thoughts:
The message is clear. We must receive and listen to sincere and genuine servants of God sent by Him to minister to us. But also, we know there are immature leaders who lack wisdom and corrupt leaders who lack integrity. How do we respond to them? How do we recognize and protect ourselves from them? The rebellious person will use corrupt leadership as an excuse to flout all leadership. The humble child of God will conduct himself graciously toward good leaders and will speak the truth in love with a humble spirit when dealing with bad leadership.

We will look at some of these issues in subsequent posts.   -----Billy Long                                        


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